A ticketing system is the most popular medium of communication that hosting providers offer to their clients. It’s usually part of the billing account and is the quickest way to fix an issue that requires a certain amount of time to examine or that has to be escalated to an admin. In this way, all responses contributed by either side will be stored in the same place in case somebody else wants to work on the problem in question and the information in the ticket will be available to all parties. The drawback of using a ticketing system with most hosting platforms is that it is not integrated into the hosting Control Panel, which suggests that you will have to sign in and out of no less than 2 accounts in order to execute a given procedure or to get in touch with the hosting company’s support team. In case you want to manage a number of domain names and each one of them is hosted in its very own account, you will need to use even more accounts at the same time. Also, it might take a considerable span of time for the provider to reply to your ticket.

Integrated Ticketing System in Website Hosting

In stark contrast to what you may find with a lot of other web hosting providers, the support ticket system that we’re using with our Linux website hosting packages is an indivisible part of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with all web hosting accounts. You won’t need to remember different logon credentials, as you will be able to manage both your tickets and the hosting account itself in one place. So, in case you have a question or encounter a challenge, you can get in touch with our client service staff instantaneously. Our system includes an intelligent search option. This implies that even in case you’ve submitted heaps of tickets over the years, you’ll be able to track down the one that you need in an instant. Additionally, you can check knowledge base tips for dealing with commonly met problems.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We believe that it is more efficient to manage everything in one single place, which is the reason why we have implemented a ticketing system into the in-house developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is offered with each semi-dedicated server account. This will permit you to manage the correspondence with our technical support staff along with your semi-dedicated server account, which means that you won’t have to remember an additional username for another system. You will be able to submit a new ticket or to track down the status of an old one with no more than a few mouse clicks whilst you’re browsing the files hosted in your account. Besides, you can go through older tickets using an intelligent search functionality or have a look at applicable help articles with solutions to commonly encountered difficulties. The inbuilt ticketing system is strictly monitored 24x7x365 with the maximum response time being just one hour, so there will always be someone to help you.