
If you would like to have a user–friendly and quick method to add in a picture book to your website, then the open–source Gallery photo album organizer is the perfect solution to your preferences. It gives you an efficient and user–friendly user interface, and it is 100% free!

Aside its user–friendliness, with Gallery you will also find a great amount of advanced options. You will be able to modify your pictures and add distinctive effects to them, without any extra software. You’ll also be able to tag people on your pics or add your custom watermark to guard them against unwanted usage.

Gallery–Optimized Linux Website Hosting Packages Services

With the Gallery Linux website hosting packages solution, you can get your web gallery published on the world wide web with a click. You only need to select Gallery from the app drop–down menu in the sign–up form and we are going to deploy your picture book software immediately after we configure your web hosting account. That will permit you to begin working on your picture gallery right after the signup operation has been completed.

Every Gallery Linux website hosting packages plan will be protected by a range of service guarantees for the trouble–free performance of your pic gallery. Your Linux website hosting packages account is set up free of cost and will and will have a 99.9% uptime warranty. On top of that, if you are not content with the Gallery Linux website hosting packages service for any reason whatsoever, you can make use of our 30–day money–back guarantee.

A Point & Click Website Control Panel

Hosting Empire’s Gallery Linux website hosting packages plans are pre–loaded with a simple point and click Website Control Panel, that will give you full command over your world wide web presence. It is offered in more than ten different languages and colors, which enables you to fully customize it to your certain requirements. The Control Panel is equipped with a point & click interface accompanied by a lot of tools, that will give you total control over the content of your picture gallery as well as your web site in general.

In the Control Panel you will find a drag–and–drop File Manager where your Gallery installation files and photos will be stored, and a full–featured Email Accounts Manager from which you can handle your e–mail connection with the viewers. In addition, we’ve implemented an accurate statistics tool, which will keep you up–to–date on your site traffic and resource consumption in real time.