Inside the Hosting Empire Website Control Panel, you can find a practical tool that will enable you to install a brand new PHP framework in seconds. The Frameworks Installer tool completes the full procedure for you, and therefore reduces the necessity to get a hold of, install and then also set up your framework before you start the enterprise. You’re all set to start your framework centered project before you know it, with no effort.

Numerous frameworks readily available

Start your web undertaking using a framework

Through the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer built–into the Hosting Empire Website Control Panel, it will be easier to install various PHP frameworks, all of them offering a special set of capabilities and uses: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

Each PHP framework is upgraded to the latest stable version and its installation calls for no setup whatsoever.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework installing

Your personal PHP framework is simply click away

The PHP 1 Click Framework Installer was made to work on the very same basic principle like our App Installer – through minimal effort required from you and also our system conducting all of the hard work on your behalf. PHP frameworks are set up with several mouse clicks with no configuration required by you. Everything you need to do is choose the place of your respective PHP framework. That’s it.

We have a record of the mounted PHP frameworks and you may un–install each individual PHP framework you don’t need with only a click.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click backup

The best solution to back up a framework

When your info is online, the most effective way to shield it is by keeping a backup. Hosting Empire offers routine data backup for each of the Linux website hosting packages accounts. On the other hand, if you’d like to be in control, you can actually back up your frameworks at any time. We have produced a clever system that allows you to generate a backup with only a click of the mouse.

There’s no limit for the amount of backup files you may create or how frequently you could make them. All backups will be saved in a directory within your account. Provided that you have available space, you could make as many different backups as you need.

1-click backup